
About Us

GO BIKER Srl is a Tour Operator partner with the Go World Holding of Tour Operators. We are a group of professionals, with passion and the experience in organising trips, travel lovers and more specifically motorbike travel.
Thanks to the years spent in traveling with motorbike groups, all around the world, from the USA to the New Zealand, from Cape North to South Africa, from Himalaya to the Silk Road, Andrea Alessandreli founded, with his partnership with Go World, the Go Biker Srl, to garantee passion and professionality services to our rider customers.



The LOGISTICS of a trip is probably the most determining part; from the choice between the Hotels, to the staging points, from the itinerary to the rental and transport of the motorbikes, from the flights to the ship passeges. Go Biker thinks to all of this to let you travel calm, relaxed and carefree, without having to think where to sleep or where to eat, what to bring for the travel or the bookings.

LUGGAGE TRANSPORTATIONS: this service has got at least two positive aspects: the first one is to travel light with your own motorbike, without bags, sacks or everything else. Secondly you can take more clothes when you travel for more than 3 weeks.

THE LEADER OF THE GROUP is a foundamental role in our travels. He is the role model; along the way, he always preceeds the group, giving indications, without binding anyone; everyone is free to do all the excursions during the itinerary. This is possible because every crew has got a REMINDER, which reports the itinerary of the stage, with all the references about the staying place and all the telephone numbers of the crew.

MEANS OF ASSISTANCE are present in all of our travels, they always follow the group, giving a sense of safety, always ready for every occasion, in the event that could be a technical problem.



ANDREA ALESSANDRELLI, born in 1979. He started riding bikes at 20 years old. A little bit later compared to many others, but he quickly recovered with all the kilometres he did all around the world. He has got a degree and a doctorate in Economy, and he started working with Raid Inside and with the first USA Coast to Coast as a Tour Leader in 2007, with fourteen crews with him, and he guided teams in USA, Morocco, Tunis, Greece, Albania and Balkans, New Zealand, South Africa, and he also organised and guided two of the most important motorbike bussiness travels of the Riso Scotti SPA: Transhimayalana in 2016, and the Silk Road, which he did with 22 motorcycles from Iran to China, passing through Turkmenistan, Uzbelistan, Tajikistan, along the Pamir, Kirgyzstan until Kashgar. He actually is the Tour Leader and Administrator of Go Biker Srl and he is costantly working to plan new motorbikes itineraries all around the world.

PAOLO BERTELLI, born in 1964. He first started with the little Vespa 50 and then with the Benelli 125. He realized that he wants to follow his road in Enduro, when he got the Yamaha XT 600 4V. He then tried the Supertenerè to get into the Honda’s world, after a brief period with the BMW K100 K75. He travels with every metheorological condition. He’s not afraid of rain and snow. The sense of freedom he tries on the seat restores him from anything else. His goal is to cross roads discovering new landscapes, cultures and different people, without running, and Adventouring is his goal. He always worked in organised tourism and he found in Andrea (Alessandri) his ideal partner to combine useful and enjoyable and to offer the necessary professionality required by a motorbike tripe.
His favourite motorbike destinations? Hard to select some… But we mention Sardinia, Albania, the Silk Road and New Zealand. Nowadays he is the Tour Leader for the destionations in Iceland, New Zealand and Sardinia.

OSCAR VICI, born in 1964. He was born and he lived his first years in Africa, and it’s a privilege. These experiences taught him to appreciate little things, to easily and quickly fit to changes, to easily navigate in a multiethnic society and to learn different languages, being capable to pass from one to the other with extreme facility. His passion for motorbikes was already strong, but when he came to Europe he became a lover of motorbike’s trips. He believes that he was lucky to have a passion which became a job and nowadays, after many years, he still desire to cross roads with his motorbike, he still wants to get to know other countries cultures and other people. He considers himself a really lucky man.

MASSIMO FERRARA, born in 1972. His love for motorbikes started when he was 14, and he had his Vespa 50 special. After it he never stopped. He first wanted to do 100.000 kilometres and then 1.000.000. He overcame this threshold years ago. He realized that he has not a precise destination, but he wants to go there by motorbike: he changed more than 30 destinations, and he’s still changing. He prefers the wheelbase over the performance and he got fond of the offroad explorations. After more than 10 trips in Norway he made many others in Iceland. It is clear that he loves the north, but after becoming a Tour guide in Iceland and Norway, he does not disdain south. What really matters to him is staying on the motorbike. His secret wish is Alaska.

GIORGIO LUINI, born in 1960, geologist, always fascinated by the world of motors and adventures. First regular rider, then endurist, in 1990 he made his first motorbike trip in Algeri and he deeply fell in love with North Africa. Since that year, both in motorbike, both in car (Land Rover’s lover) he explored Algeri, Libya, Morocco and Tunisi, personally studying maps and itineraries. In 2000, to party his 40 years, he treated himself with the participation the Rally Optic 2000 in Tunisi, a stage of the Raid Tout Terrain World Cup, with a private Honda XR 400, and he arrived 33rd. Since 2002 he’s seeing the organisation, the management and the itineraries of the Off Road travels made by Go Biker, and he continued the competitive activity of the enduro and motorally.

PIERO SPINA, born in 1954, he started with the trycicle and he was always injured on his knees. When he grow up, he practiced motocross with Gori 50, then with Gilera 124 and Morini 125 when he was older: 3 years of trial with Fantic 125 and Monteca Cota 349. When he got older: he became secretary of the BMW Motorrad Club in Florence, where, for 12 years, he worked for the organisation and realisation of the Club’s travels, crossing almost 40 thousands km every year, trying new itineraries and guiding groups of 15-30 motorcyles all around Italy and Europe. In 2004 he got back to off-road, crossing the paths of the Iceland desert and he fell in love with this magnificent place, where, nowadays he works as a guide for groups and on and off road.

FRANCESCO MENICHELLI, born in 1967, lawyer, got on the motorcycle for the first time when he was 10 years old and since that moment he understood that he would never got off. Road, off-road, tracks, travels: it doesn’t make any difference, the most important thing is to go! After a life spent “on the road” by himself, he got closer to organised tour’s world, first working a off-road guide for groups and individuals and then collaborating with the Artic Roads for trips in North Europe.

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Go Biker S.r.l.
via Buonarroti ang. via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
P.IVA, CF 02768400422 R.E.A. AN 213634
Capitale Sociale € 10.000
Logo Premio Turismo responsabile Italiano 2011 Premio Turismo responsabile Italiano 2011
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