

per informazioni: Go Biker S.r.l.
via Buonarroti ang. via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
Tel. 0712089301 -

Desert, sea, mountains, history… a trip to the land of the Sultan to appreciate the characteristics of this land still to be discovered. Oman is still a destination unspoiled by mass tourism where ancient traditions are still very much alive and the population which has remained far away and closed to tourism for many years, is rather shy and extremely nationalist. 1700 kilometers of practically deserted coasts that stretch from the Strait of Hormuz to the Indian Ocean enchanting fjords and bays, markets with captivating charm, the scent of incense, ancient fortifications, deserts that turn pink at sunset. With this itinerary you can (on request) make extensions in the Musandam peninsula and in Salalah, in the Dhofar region

Tariff per person, starting from:

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Go Biker S.r.l.
via Buonarroti ang. via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
P.IVA, CF 02768400422 R.E.A. AN 213634
Capitale Sociale € 10.000
Logo Premio Turismo responsabile Italiano 2011 Premio Turismo responsabile Italiano 2011
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